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happy + hale in downtown raleigh

happy + hale has been a game changer for furbish.  we'd been searching for over a year for a healthy lunch option that could be delivered to the office, and for a small group - so when we heard about a delicious salad and juice company that biked the meal over in 30 minutes after placing your order online, we thought it was too good to be true.

cut to a year later, we are so proud of our little delivery salad company opening a sexy and smart new location in downtown raleigh on fayetteville street.  we celebrated last week with sunrise yoga in the city square, followed by a confetti sprinkled dance party.  it felt great to be part of something supported and appreciated (and badly needed!) by so many, yet accomplished by a few very passionate and driven entrepreneurs.

wishing them tons of success in their new spot! photography by gary meyer
