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tales from the farm

this weekend, brian meares and i had some friends up to the farm.  time was passed with activities including eating, dogging, shooting, four wheeling, visiting with and marveling at the amish neighbors, flower arranging and finally, eating more.  the trailer is coming along - i upholstered the cushions in serapes, which i highly do not recommend (i wish i'dve listened to my upholsterer when he warned against it, and not nick olsen who said OH SURE).  wildflowers always help, and there's nothing a tapestry can't fix, right?

keila and i ran the four wheeler into a ditch and an entire family watched from their front door as we righted ourselves and took off down the road for another spell.  i was entirely unsuccessful at skeet shooting, but i did eat an entire bag of jalapeno cheetos.  brian meares navigated the kitchen (four burners and stove) like a champ, so we ate like trailer park kings and rowdy slept in the dirt like an honest-to-goodness real dog (when he wasn't on the unraveling serape banquette).

