i'm working on a new living room design for a family, and my go to for inspiration for this project was the work of ashley whittaker. i'm a big fan of ashley's, from as far back as when domino named her one of the top 10 designers to watch 2007. her portfolio is a great example of relaxed-yet-refined, tailored and traditional rooms with the perfect combination of personality pieces and pretty accents.
i thought her work would be great to kick off a new feature, 'what's so special about this room'. if you can train your eye to pick up on the most important elements of a design you're drawn to, then you'll have much more success creating a look you love in your own home.
1: unconventional furniture arrangement
2: tailored, special details like greek key trim
3: large antiqued mirror
4: tortoise shell finish
5: a mix of lighting
6: custom pillow in indian inspired print
7: large modern artwork
8: quirky themed accents
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