friends, i am coming to you poolside at the aria hotel in vegas. i arrived yesterday, and felt fairly overwhelmed worrying i had been redirected to disneyland, and then concerned that vegas appears to be in the middle of the desert. i overcame these obstacles, and am settling in just fine.
i'm here to scope out the gift market, and to speak on a panel monday about trends, tastemakers, and gaggaggag the retail christmas season.
i'm traveling solo, which can be an odd thing, unless you embrace it by taking 3 baths a day in your huge tub, trying to look mysterious while you dine alone, and sleeping sideways in a king bed. the trick to traveling alone is to always look contemplative. how can she be lonely when she looks so ... thoughtful? see.
the pool scene is real. meaning, it's happening. something is happening here. there are girls in all sort of states of undress, but they pile on the accessories. tiny tiny bathing suits with huge platform wedges, hats, sparkly bits, there's some sort of collar thing over there, there's a feathered scarf? - it's all a bit... much. everyone seems to think they are some kardashian cousin. there's no shame. i sit shaded and kaftaned while prancer and her friends over there are (fat)rolling in the deep. i will refrain from further judgement and enjoy my $20 drink that is delicious and full of berries and basil.
i will, however, judge the trends for the coming fall and christmas season, and report back. wish me luck.
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