have i told you my theory on white bathing suits? they make pale people look less pale.
did you see what keila and maggie did to my office wall while i was gone? i love it.
i can't get over jane alridge from sea of shoes. she's amazing.
did you see her new apartment?
i didn't even realize until i went to la how fashionable big chain necklaces are. errbody had one on.
so i came back and realized we sell a great one. **SOLD OUT! now
i'm so behind on some things. i am, however, really great at colored denim. so is this guy. in LA, both days, we pulled out identical outfits. we literally packed the same things to wear. i let him win b/c it was his party.
i thought sally king benedict in the new matchbook mag was about the cutest thing i've ever seen.
i don't know why particularly, but i'm feeling very patriotic lately.
loving this pendleton blanket
ok gotta go watch unc beat duke. go heels!
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