let's get right to breaking news: while en route to la last night, i launched the brand spanking new shopfurbish.com. please take a gander and enjoy our new less jacked up stylings. i also need to thank one keila marino who's still the hurricane gust beneath my wings, one wunderkind sarah gibbons who designed both of our new sites, and one maggie baker who had no idea what she was getting herself thrown into but managed multi-tasking like a fox.
it was a lot of work yal.
in other news, i'm here in la to celebrate with nick olsen - he was chosen as one of tradhome's top 10 new designers and he'll have a project featured in the online magazine coming out in april. last night we had a lovely dinner hosted by beth brenner (yes, that beth brenner of domino past) and her ladies from traditional home magazine. i don't do this often, but i had a major stroke out moment sitting at the table across from her, with nick to my right, the lovely ladies of tilton fenwick at the table and david harris from the new traditionalists ... i'm so grateful that i've had the opportunity to make a career out of something i am truly obsessed with. blah blah, emotions. you get the drift.
(i also stroked out just a bit on the plane b/c i was sitting next to twitch!)
so things are going swimmingly. looking forward to a fun party tonight hosted by tradhome and bunny williams where the brightest blogging and design stars will work it and be seen. now for some shopping and eating and weather-enjoying!
thanks again for the amazing support of the store.
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