confession: i am not only the put-it-on-a-tray president, i am a card carrying member.
at a client's house, they'll ask "what i should a put here". me: 'oh, a tray".
i went around the house and captured my tray collection. it's out of hand.
this one sits at the bottom of the stairs on the congos to collect jewelry that gets discarded before bedtime.
small python holds a monkey and some books.
remotes and coasters under the (dark) coffee table
this guy is in the bathroom to hold matches and orange chickenthings
there's another python in the guest room to hold magazines
there's two on the bar. (where did all the bourbon go??)
miscellaneous bedroom tray
bowl on a plate on a tray action in bedroom
a coaster moonlighting as a tray on bedside table
soap gets trayed/dished.
and i actually stopped. there were more trays. you so trazy.
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